BB and artist Richard Haines (photo: Leah Durner)
Last weekend TD and headed down to Soho in the rain for Art Jamboree #2 – a group of artists selling work on two floors in a building on Greene Street, everything $50 or less.

My friend Richard Haines invited us. You know Richard from the What I Saw Today blog. He's an artist and illustrator who sketches mostly menswear (below). He was drawing portraits at the Art Jamboree.

(photo: Richard Haines)
There were other artist there we knew as well including Trey Speegle and Lean Durner. Leah's paintings (below) reminded me of the work of Howard Hodgkin.

(photo: Leah Durner)
We bought some cards and gifts. From Richard we bought this spare sketch which I put in a frame from A.I. Friedman.
Love her. She will go next to the watercolor we bought at Richard's gallery show, which we're getting framed.
On the floor above I found a textile designer named Lourdes Sanchez who told me she has created fabrics for Old Navy and West Elm. She was selling printing proofs on thin brown paper of her textile designs. I bought a bunch and taped them to the wall in the library. I love textiles, and I think these subtly colored floral "paper textiles" are great.
$1 each.
At the show, "champagne cocktails" were served and music played. It offered a nice opportunity to meet a variety of artists and talk about their work in a friendly, smaller setting. After the art show TD and I repaired to the closest pub for a pint (or two). It was a great way to spend a rainy Saturday afternoon. It was like a London afternoon.
What a nice idea ... sounds like lots of fun.
lovely story and the sketch looks wonderful in the white frame-so chic! those textiles look amazing too-how did i miss those? x
Those textiles are gorgeous. The patterns are beautiful. You don't often see such a nice collection in stores. Not in one color, at any rate. Most of these are black and white, which should be a little harder to get dirty than pale pastels. These will be very useful in any home improvement project.
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