is making me happy. You may recall that last summer I made a container garden in front of the apartment building by dragging some containers off the roof and filling them with flowers and ivy. This summer, and now fall, it went berserk.
I know impatiens is a "common" flower but I'm a big fan. If you water it once a week, it's pretty happy and will grow like crazy. The pink plant below started as a single one inch seedling out of a plastic packet.
I'm training this ivy to grow up the stair railing. Ivy will last the winter and get bigger every year.
When I lock up the blue Schwinn here at the fence I feel like I'm in the middle of a garden.
I'm growing ivy over this railing as well.
There was absolutely nothing here when we started but with some neglected containers and some inexpensive plants, a vacant spot can become a joy to the eye. Pastel-color impatiens plus ivy is a sure-fire combination for a low-maintenance country-style garden in the city.
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